
It is with great pride that we announce 15 years of sincere service to the society. Our team of Doctors and Technicians have dedicatedly worked towards providing the best and the latest facilities to give you a better life. Antiaging Skin Clinic has successfully treated over 1 lac people not just in India but across the globe since 2008. It has been a demanding journey for us but definitely rewarding too. At the end of the day when we see those smiling, satisfied faces of patients which were once anxious, the hard work is worth it. More than us, we would like to congratulate you and thank you on this occasion for trusting us and being a part of this odyssey.

As a token of gratitude, we would like you to join the celebration of our 15th Anniversary. We would like to announce a one-time-registration offer for the Month of September which provides you free unlimited consultations (worth Rs1000/ per consultation) throughout the year. This means if you register with Rs. 200/- between 1st September and 30th September you pay no consultation for 1 year after that.

 * T & C APPLY